+91 7249371505 / 9920407274


The Jesuits manage Xavier Institute of Engineering (XIE). They are the members of the Society of Jesus which is an international spiritual organization of priests and brothers in the life of the Catholic Church. It was founded in 1541 by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Today, 450 years after its foundation, the Jesuits are spread all over the world and happen to be the largest religious organization in the church. There are over 20,000 Jesuits working all over the world engaged in educational, social, scientific and other fields.

XIE is a part of an international network of Jesuit Educational Institutions which includes 38 Universities & 3413 educational institutions in 68 countries.

Among them :

  • Santa Clara University, California
  • Loyola University, Chicago
  • Fordham University, New York
  • Georgetown University, Washington DC
  • Sophia University, Tokyo
  • Marquette University, Milwaukee

The Jesuit educational network in India includes 29 Colleges, 10 Technical Institutions 92 High Schools & 15 Specialized Institutions among them :

  • St. Xavier’s Technical Institute, Mahim, Mumbai
  • St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
  • Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai
  • Xavier Institute of Management, Mumbai
  • Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur
  • St. Joseph's College, Bangalore
  • Loyola College, Chennai
  • St. Joseph’s College, Trichy
  • St. Arulanandar College, Madurai
  • St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata

For over a century the Jesuits have been in Mumbai and in rural Maharashtra. The poor, the exploited, the spiritual seekers, the social drop-outs and the deprived children are very special to Jesuits. They run schools, colleges, technical institutes and centres for higher learning.

They also work in parishes, retreat houses, with youth, and are spiritual guides to priests, sisters and lay people. In the rural villages they are engaged in the pastoral, educational and social fields, designing innovative programmes in non-formal education, health care and legal aid.

The Management of XIE is well known for designing its own stringent quality standards for education keeping in view the challenges being imposed on the education sector due to increasing global competition. The management is committed to uphold the highest standards of engineering education. This is well reflected in the infrastructure, teaching methodologies, well equipped laboratories, state-of-the art Computer Centre and Library.

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